Standing Poses Sequence
Flow in this vinyasa sequence to the pace of your own breath.
Flow in this vinyasa sequence to the pace of your own breath.
This sequence is great for your back, shoulders, and neck. Do this seated in a chair if you need a much-deserved break!
These poses are a quick and easy way to stretch and strengthen your whole body. Will help you catch your breath when you need to get out of your head!
This is a great sequence of stretches for runners and athletes. And it’s one of my go-to sequences for waking up my whole body and feeling more energetic.
There is a reason Down Dog and Child’s Pose are in every yoga class. Simple, and so effective to wake up and stretch the whole body while calming the mind.
Physical therapists love this sequence for release of the hips and lower back. I learned this twisting sequence while studying Thai Yoga Massage.
Everyone benefits from this neck and shoulder stretch. It’s especially great for headache sufferers.
Enjoy this all-levels yoga sequence that is simple and effective for stretching your lower back and hips.
Stretch your hips with this 3-minute pigeon pose sequence. Jazz it up with a twist and backbend!
Try this simple, relaxing, 90-second stretch now. From any position: in your chair, bed, or standing. It’s perfect to stretch your back, neck, wrists, and shoulders.